Always Summer Time

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Wondrous Wednesday

We had an early start again today. As the sun was rising of mostly blue skies and a sparkly crystal sea I was walking along the beach and Kris was driving to work. After my beach walk/run I went to work. Work for me involves a lot of writing at the moment. Another article went out and I’m doing some preparation for training courses I plan to give in the New Year. It’s all good stuff.
I received a fabulous package from UPS today, my new book! :) Finally I have it in paper form. This is the first ‘real’ book I’ve written, the others being E-Books.
Kris also got some packages in the mail today. Some motivational training tapes, they look like they might be good. We’ll listen to them in the coming weeks and let you know.


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